Grade and Color Class

All maple syrup color classes are classified as Grade A.
All grade A syrup must be uniform in color,
taste associated with the color class,
free from off flavors and free from turbidity and sediment.

Golden Maple Syrup
"Grade A golden color and delicate taste" maple syrup has a uniform light golden color, a delicate to mild taste, and a light transmittance of 75% Tc or more
Amber Maple Syrup
"Grade A amber color and rich taste" maple syrup has a uniform amber color, a rich or full-bodied taste, and a light transmittance of 50% - 74.9% Tc
Dark Maple Syrup
"Grade A dark color and robust taste" maple syrup has a uniform dark color, a robust or strong taste, and a light transmittance of 25% - 49.9% Tc
Very Dark Maple Syrup
"Grade A very dark and strong taste" maple syrup has a uniform very dark color, a very strong taste, and a light transmittance of less than 25% Tc